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Showing posts from November, 2005

By the way ...

The iTunes Music Store is open in Australia Talk about anti-climaxes I've literally been waiting years for the iTunes Music Store to open in Australia, and when it did I expected it would be a major event. I'd expect that since it's taken apple so long to hammer out the deal with local record companies that they'd be making the most of it once it did happen. But no. It's not even the major story on Apple's Australian web site , it's a secondary item (although with the title "The biggest story in music just got bigger". If it's the biggest story shouldn't it be the biggest thing on the page? I actually don't know when it was launched since Apple's Hot news item doesn't give a date. All I know is that the shop assistants in Myer have been wearing "iTunes Music Card" badges, but they didn't seem to know much about how you'd get the songs if you bought the card "you just download them" they said. Y...

All Christians are jerks

Hey look mate, you know I'm right, so pull your head in. Every last one of us is a jerk*. Why do you think Jesus had to die for us? If we'd all been perfect and nice he wouldn't have had to do a thing. And if you don't believe me, believe the Bible: “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8 ( ESV ) So if you sin, you're bound to hurt people. And if you hurt people, especially in a big way, and if you keep on doing it you're a jerk, at least in my book. Which is why it shouldn't surprise me when Christians let me down. It still does, because—naturally enough I suppose—I expect more of them. Christians shouldn't be jerks because God tells them (frequently) not to. Even someone who isn't that familiar with the Bible will know how Christians should behave and point it out to them. For example, I was saying this week that if you want to shoot novelists in the neck you should do the job properly a...